Helping Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Through Counselling, Education and Advocacy
'Life After Child Sexual Abuse: Trauma and Healing with Survivor, John Saunders' (listen to 45 second intro)
"John's ability to conduct community forums, engage an audience and develop meaningful experiences for his audience was especially impressive to observe. It was a wonderfully valuable experience for the audience and myself, and I thank John for ensuring the forum achieved these outcomes."
Byron Shire Mayor, Cr. Simon Richardson​
John has created a unique public forum that addresses key factors that affect survivors of child sexual abuse. He has developed this forum as a way to educate people about the long-lasting effects child abuse has on individuals, families, and communities. John's forum provides a safe and supportive environment for survivors to ask questions, receive practical advice, and be heard and believed. All of these aspects are essential components for shame-reduction and healing for child sexual abuse survivors. The forum is a unique opportunity for survivors, healthcare professionals, and members of the community to engage in a conversation about stigma, trauma and how we can better meet the needs of survivors in our communities.
1. Children
2. Adult Survivors
3. Intimate relationships
4. Family, friends & community
5. Impacts of government & institutional policies on abuse survivors
6. The human spirit and our humanity
7. A Q&A session. A panel of professionals including a therapists, social worker, lawyer, spiritual leader answer audience questions.
John can tailor the forum for your specific audience type, including:
Community forum: specifically designed to help survivors and their families in the community.
Health and welfare professionals: designed to educate care givers on the true impact of child sexual abuse, and offer them tools for better understanding and responding to their survivor clients and patients. E.g. foster care agencies, social welfare agencies, medical practitioners etc.
Schools and universities: to educate students planning to embark on health/welfare/human rights/legal careers, and also to offer them a safe space if they have been abused.
The forum is suitable for ages 15 years +
Contact John today to find out more about hosting the forum in your area.